*mḫr - to face (Kogan 2015: 194)

*maḫar- - tomorrow (Kogan 2015: 194)
Probably to be directly identified with Akk. maḫru ‘past, bygone time; before, in the presence, in front of’. The alternative derivation from *ˀḫr (Brokelmann 1908:78, 241) is hardly acceptable (Kogan 2015: 194)

maḫāru - to face, to approach, to accept (CAD M₁ 50, AHw. 577)
Derived words: maḫru ‘past, bygone time; before, in the presence, in front of’ (CAD M₁ 50, AHw. 585).
maḫru - past, bygone time; before, in the presence, in front of (CAD M₁ 50, AHw. 585)
Since the pattern(s) C₁aC₂(a)C₃- are not synchronically productive in Akkadian, maḫru is unlikely to be derived from maḫāru ‘to face’ within the history of Akkadian. Rather, we are probably faced with an archaic, pre-Akkadian derived noun, also preserved in PCS with a shift of meaning (Kogan 2015: 194)
mḫr - to cleave the water with its stem; to face the wind (ship) (Lane 2693)
mḫr - to face, to run, to extend towards (SD 84)