*daran- - (kind of) skin disease (SED I No. 58)

Or PWS? Probably from *dar(r/ˀ)-an-­, with ­-n suffixed; cf. Arb. drˀ and Cha. dära, Ezha dära, Gye. dära, Muh. däna, End. däna; note also Enn. dä̃ra which may be alternatively compared to •danr­, with metathesis).

därän - name of a parasite worm (found in the sheep's head) (Jastrow 324)
Hbr. pB. and Jud. (one of them most probably borrowed from the other) are likely related, with a meaning shift ‘skin disease’ > ‘insect causing skin disease / damage’.
Jewish Babylonian Aramaic
darnā - name of a parasite worm (found in the sheep's head); moth (in clothes), wood worm (DJBA 353)
Hbr. pB. and Jud. (one of them most probably borrowed from the other) are likely related, with a meaning shift ‘skin disease’ > ‘insect causing skin disease / damage’.
daran- - tumeurs dures sur le corps, qui proviennent ordinairement de l'atrabile, comme dans la lèpre (applied to a camel means mangy, or scabby) (Dozy I 437, Lane 875)
därän - cutaneous eruptions like blisters (WTS 521)
An Arabism according to Leslau 1990: 167.
därämän - affliction of the scalp or skin which causes whitish patches that itch (AED 1736)
­-m­- is hard to explain; metathetic from *daran-am­ with suffixed ­-m?