*š/ŝVmm- - kind of reptile (snake, lizard) (SED II No. 204)

šammānu - a snake (CAD Š₁ 314)
HapLeg in the OB snake incantation CBS 7005 r. 12
ŝəmāmīt - gecko (HALOT 1338)
Var. šəmāmīt. HapLeg in Pr 30.28, context highly problematic: ŝəmāmīt bə-yādayim tətappēš // wəhī(ˀ) bəhēkəlē mäläk ‘a lizard can be caught by hand // but it is in the king’s palace’. pB. səmāmīt ‘spider’ (Jastrow 1002)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
smmy - type of lizard (DJPA 382)
Det. smmyth. Likely a Hebraism.
sāmm- - kind of big lizard (BK 1 1133, Lane 1420, LA XII 304)
in sāmm- ˀabraṣ-