*šṭr - to write (Kogan–Krebernik 2021a:392f.)

The history of this root and its meaning being equal in such geographically and genealogically remote idioms as Akkadian, Arabic and ESA, but virtually absent from Aramaic, is enigmatic. Cf. Kogan–Krebernik 2021a:392f. for the discussion.

šaṭāru - to write (CAD Š₂ 225; AHw. 1203)
šōṭēr - civil servant, office holder, administrator (HALOT 1441; BDB 1009)

The word has virtually no internal source of derivation and could be easily considered a borrowing from Akk *šāṭiru—if such a word had ever existed (Kogan–Krebernik 2021a:392, fn. 131).

Official Aramaic
šṭr - document (DNWSI 1124)

The word has no verbal exponent. Usually considered to be an Akkadian loanword. 

Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šṭr - promissory note, note, deed (DJPA 546)

The word has no verbal exponent. Usually considered to be an Akkadian loanword. 

Jewish Babylonian Aramaic
šəṭārā - document, writ, deed (DJBA 1130)

The word has no verbal exponent. Usually considered to be an Akkadian loanword.

šṭārā, ˀešṭārā - deed, document (LSyr.:773; SL 1549)

The word has no verbal exponent. Usually considered to be an Akkadian loanword. 

sṭr - to write (Lane 1357)
s₁ṭr - to write (SD 129)
s₁ṭr - to write (LM 83)
s₁ṭr - to write (LIQ 159)