*sbb - to turn (Kogan 2015: 304)

may be related to Arb. sibb- ‘turban,’ sabab- ‘cord, rope,’ sabīb- ‘a lock of hair’, Tgr. šäbašäbä ‘to put in folds (garment)’, Tna. säbsäbä ‘to tuck up, to roll up’, Amh. šäbäššäbä ‘to wrinkle, to pleat’, although Akk. šibbu ‘belt, girdle’ compared in CDG 483 makes this identification problematic (Akk. š does not regularly correspond to Hbr. s). Sab. s₃bb ‘to surround an enemy’ would provide a more direct cognate, but the meaning of this military term is rather obscure. Whether Gez. ˀasbāb ‘guards, sentinels’ goes back to this root is, contra CDG 483 and LLA 359, completely uncertain (hapax legomenon in Ja 631:32‒34) is quite obscure (Kogan 2015: 304-305)

sbb - to turn (round) (DUL 752)
sb - to turn over (DNWSI 772)
sbb - to turn oneself around (HALOT 738)
sbbt - surrounding (DNWSI 772)