faḫūr- - a she-camel great in the udder, but having little milk; a palm-tree great in the trunk, thick in the branches; a house great in the yard and long therein
(Lane 2349)
The derivation is not evident
f-t-ḫr - to enter into partnership, to associate with
(LIQ 129)
faḫara - to engage, to betroth, to espouse
(CDG 158)
fáḥre tóˀo kɔn ‘all, in the entirety, all and every’:
wa-ˁážeʰkɔn mes gad wa-mes ŝérhon wa-mes ídi fáḥre tóˀo kɔn mabľúľ ‘As for the woman, all of her body, her feet, her hands, all of it became moist’ (CSOL II 4:58)