
*tənan - smoke (Kogan 2015:397)

The OArm. spelling with t (rather than š) makes unlikely the relationship between PArm. *tənan and Hbr. ˁāšān, Arb. ˁaṯan- ‘smoke’ (HALOT 896, Lane 1954) assumed in LSyr. 828 and Beyer 1984:419 and corroborates its connection with Gez. tann ‘smoke’ and its cognates in modern EthS (CDG 577).

Old Aramaic
tnn - smoke (KAI 320:8)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
tnan - smoke (DJPA 587)
tennānā - smoke (LSyr. 828, SL 1656)
tinna - smoke (Khan 1999: 583)