*ˁar(ā)d- - wild ass (SED II No. 37, Kogan 2011: 208)

a-ra-du - wild ass (CAD A₂ 212)
A West Semitism from a lexical list. Cf. ḫarādu.
ḫarādu - wild donkey (CAD Ḫ 88, AHw. 322)
Attested only in Malku V 39 (= sirrimu) and must be a WS loanword. Cf. also a-ra-du.
ˁārōd - wild ass (HALOT 882)
Official Aramaic
ˁrdˀ - wild ass (DNWSI 887)
Biblical Aramaic
ˁărādayyā (pl. det.) - wild ass (HALOT 1953)
ˁrdyn (pl. abs.) - military engine, catapult (DNWSI 887)
Related with the derived meaning. This usage is probably a calque from Grk. onagros, Lat. onager (so HJ), but it is worth noting that the meaning ‘a mechanical device’ (in particular, ‘a part of the battering ram’) is attested already for Akk. imēru (CAD I 114–5).
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁărād - wild ass (DJPA 418)
Jewish Babylonian Aramaic
ˁărōdā, ˁărādā - wild ass (DJBA 881)
ˁrādā - onager, wild ass; ballista, siege device (LSyr. 547, SL 1135)
ˁrādta - female onager (LSyr. 547, SL 1136)
arada - wild ass (MD 35)
ˁard- - donkey (BK 2 211, Lane 1998)
According to Hommel 1879: 133, ˁ. is known exclusively from lexicographic works.
ˁarrādat- - an engine of war that casts a stone to a long distance, similar to that called by the Romans onager (BK 2 212, Lane 1998)
This usage is probably a calque from Grk. onagros, Lat. onager (so DNWSI), but it is worth noting that the meaning ‘a mechanical device’ (in particular, ‘a part of the battering ram’) is attested already for Akk. imēru (CAD I 114–5).