
ḥmt - wall (DUL 364‒365)

pl. ḥmyt reliably attested in syllabic writing as ḫa-mì-ti (Huehnergard 1987a:125)

*ḥāmiy-(a)t- - wall (Blau 1957: 98, Marrassini 1971: 54‒56, Ginsberg 1973:134, Kogan 2015: 294)
is probably derived from PS *ḥmy ‘to watch, to protect’; to be reconstructed as an active participle *ḥāmiy-(a)t- on the joint evidence of Hebrew, El-Amarna and Ugaritic data if Arb ḥāmiyat- ‘mass of stones with which a well is cased’ and ḥāmiyeh - ‘courtyard’ are connected, it would push *ḥāmiy-(a)t- ‘walľ back to PCS