
fәrōd - to stampede, to panic; to make off, to run away (ML 97)

*prd - to flee in panic (Kogan 2015:567–568)
Leslau plausibly connects Proto-MSA *prd ‘to flee in panic’ with PS *prd ‘to be separated,’ represented by Hbr. prd ‘to separate, to diverge’ (HALOT 962), Arb. frd ‘to become sole, single’ (Lane 2363), Sab. frd-m ‘uniquely, alone’ (SD 46), Tgr. täfarädä ‘to part company as enemies’ (WTS 659). The same shift of meaning took place (presumably independently) in Aramaic (Syr. prad ‘fugit,’ LSyr. 593), as well as in Akkadian, where parādu ‘to be fearful, disturbed’ (CAD P 141, AHw. 827) displays a remarkable semantic similarity to the MSA verbs (as duly observed in Huehnergard 1991a:693). (Kogan 2015:567-568)