
əftérér - to yawn (JL 59)

*prr - to yawn (reflexive-intensive stem) (Kogan 2015:568)
Leslau is likely correct to derive Proto-MSA *prr (reflexive-intensive stem) ‘to yawn’ from an original meaning “to divide,” “to separate,” eventually compatible with PS *prr represented by Akk. parāru (D) ‘to break up, to disperse,’ naparruru ‘to become crushed, dispersed, separated’ (CAD P 161), Ugr. prr ‘to break’ (DUL 681), Hbr. prr ‘to break, to destroy’ (HALOT 974), Arb. ˀafarra raˀsahu bi-s-sayfi = šaqqaqahu wa-falaqahu (TA 13 318), Gez. farra ‘to shell, to husk’ (CDG 166), Tna. färärä ‘to dissolve flour in water’ (TED 2659). For a closer semantic parallelism cf. Tna. färär bälä ‘to be opened wide (eyes due to astonishment)’ (TED 2659). (Kogan 2015:568)