
ˁdmt - desolation (DUL 150)

Attested in 1.161:17 in the exclamation ˁdmt w ˁdmt ˁdmt, variously understood as “desolation, desolation, yes of desolations” (del Olmo Lete 2004:195), “a metathesis of dmˁt ‘tears,’ resonanting the prothetic form udmˁt in the previous line” (Levine–de Tarragon–Robertson 1997:358) and “how long?” = Akk. adi mati, Hbr. ˁad mātay (cf. most recently Gzella 2007:534). As Renfroe (1992:88) correctly observes, “the comparison with Arabic ˁdm ‘loss, destitution, lack’ is credible, but improvable (Kogan 2015:323).