
išaru - penis (CAD I 226, AHw. 392)

Var. ušaru. Akk.-Ugr, no parallel elsewhere in Semitic. If the Akkadian and Ugaritic terms are related as cognates, the traditional derivation of Akk. išaru from ešēru ‘to be straight’ (< *yšr) becomes impossible. For the same negative conclusion reached on the basis of the Ebla gloss šè-ne-bu₁₆ wa ì-sa-lum (= Sum. kun) in VE 1372’ v. Krebernik 2006:85
(Kogan 2015:332).

Areal reconstruction
*ˀVšVr- - penis (Kogan 2015:332)

Akk.-Ugt. isogloss, has no parallel elsewhere in Semitic. If the Akk. and Ugr. terms are related as cognates, the traditional derivation of Akk. išaru from ešēru 'to be straight' (<*yšr) become impossible.