
ṭur - good fortune, luck (EDG 630)

*ṭayr- - bird (SED II No. 235)
Attested as a faunal term in Arm. and Arb. only (unless Tna. č̣əru ‘small bird’ in TED 2503 and Msq. č̣ərri, Gog. č̣ərriyä ‘kind of bird’ in EDG 187 are related, which is difficult to prove). To be nevertheless reconstructed as a PS animal name in view of clearly related forms connected with divination from birds whose attestation is not confined to Arm. and Arb. See further Wol. ṭur, Sel. ṭūr ‘good fortune, luck’ (EDG 630), Cha. Eža. Muh. Msq. Gog. Sod. ṭur, Enn. End. Gye. ṭūr id. (ibid.), probably to be kept apart from Amh. ṭur ‘punishment which befalls a wrongdoer, arrogant behaviour, insult’ (contra Leslau) but rather connected with the present root (for -u- cf. Arb. ṭūrat- ‘bad augury’, BK 2 129).