
γíẑẑɔt - mist (JL 85)

*γill-at- - mist (Kogan 2015:555)
“The origin of Proto-MSA *γill-at- ‘mist’ is uncertain. Comparison with Gez. ˁawlo ‘tempest, whirlwind, storm’, Syr. ˁalˁālā ‘procella’ seems attractive, whereas Leslau’s identification with Arb. yaˁlūl- ‘clouds disposed one above another’ is difficult because of the phonological irregularity. Furthermore, one cannot exclude that the Arabic noun is secondarily derived from the verbal root ˁll with the general meaning “to repeat, to do a second time.” Also noteworthy are Arb. γalal- ‘water having no current, only appearing a little upon the surface of the earth, disappearing at one time and appearing at another’ and γayl- ‘water running upon the surface of the earth’.” (Kogan 2015:555)