
suˀālu - phlegm; cough with phlegm (CAD S 340, AHw. 1052)
suḫātu - armpit (CAD S 347, AHw. 1054)
summu - dove (CAD S 380, AHw. 1058)
From OB on. Fem. summatu (Var. simmatu, šummatu, šimmatu) — from OAkk. on. The fem. form is by far more widely attested from OB on (in OAkk. as a personal name only). The masc. form is less common, attested mostly in literary texts (e.g. UET 6 396.25 idammumam kīma su-mi-[i]m ‘he moans like a dove’, OB). Both forms are discussed in Salonen 1973 254-8.
sūnu - a cloth trimming (CDA 328)

More traditional interpretations found in CAD S 388 (‘a piece of clothing or part thereof’) and AHw. 1059 (‘ein Tuch oder Binde’) are likely to be rejected (Moran 1983). According to AHw. 1059, the Akkadian term is borrowed from Sum. tùn, but this is difficult to reconcile with the Ugaritic evidence (let alone the internal Akkadian difficulties outlined in Moran 1983) (Kogan 2015: 341)

sūnu - lap, crotch (CAD S 386, AHw. 1059)
surummu - a part of the intestinal tract (CAD S 416; AHw. 1063)
Translated as ‘Mastdarm’ in AHw.
suššuru - a dove (CAD S 41, AHw. 1064)
Var. šūšuru. SB, a rare form attested in lexical lists and one literary passage (v. Salonen 1973 260-1).
sūtu - a vessel; a measuring vessel and its capacity; measure of area (CAD S 420)
ṣabātu - to seize, take hold of sth/smb (CAD ṣ 5; AHw 1066)
ṣa-ba-ú - bear (Pentiuc 2001: 160–161)
An entry in a lexical list from Emar.