
di-ˁáṣer - botfly (Wranik 2003:397-398; CSOL I 500)
ˁáŝer - ten (LS 331; CSOL I 501; CSOL II 417; ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:539)

di-ˁáŝer ‘tenth’ (f.): 

tóˀo hɛ́men yáḥzez deš di-ˁáŝer gemóḥotš díˀʸheʰ ˁážeʰ ‘When he was about to slaughter the tenth one, his wife stopped him’ (CSOL I 29:7).

ˁiŝéreʰ wa-trɔ ‘twelve’ (m.):

wa-ˀinɛm deʰ šérhom di-beʸh ˁiŝéreʰ wa-trɔ ˁáṣbi ‘And what is the tree which has twelve branches’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:539, Segment 40).

ˁáŝer wa-ŝᵉľέʰ ‘thirteen’ (f.):

wa-kíˀi šiš ˁáŝer wa-ŝᵉľɛʰ érhon ‘He had thirteen goats left’ (CSOL I 29:6).

ŝᵉľɛʰ ˁiŝárhen ‘thirty’:

wa-be-kúľľeʰ ˁáṣab ŝᵉľɛʰ ˁiŝárhen ṣáˁḷof ‘And in each branch there are thirty leaves’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:539, Segment 40).

ˁáŝer ˁiŝárhen ‘hundred’:

néḳeˁ megɔ́še érhon deš ídeʰ ˁaf taˀáraḥ ˁáŝer ˁiŝárhen deš ídeʰ ‘The boys picked out the goats who were about to give birth that day, and it so happened that no less than 100 goats were to give birth that day’ (CSOL I 6:9).

ˁáŝeri - twenty (CSOL I 501; CSOL II 417; LS 331)
ˁáŝer - friend or husband (Naumkin et al. 2015a:62)
ˁeŝ - to stand up (LS 331; CSOL I 501; CSOL II 418; Naumkin et al. 2015a:62)
ˁatéṣa - to lose appetite (Bulakh 2024:206; CSOL I 500; LS 304, 321, 499)
ˁéto - smoke (LS 332; CSOL I 502; CSOL II 418)

tóˀo ˁéto ‘(as fast) as smoke’:

férod ˁéḳab tóˀo ˁéto ‘He fled and he was (as fast) as smoke’ (CSOL II 8:22)

ˁaté - presentative particle (LS 332; Naumkin et al. 2015a:62)
ˁᵃṭaf - 1. conjunction: until; 2. adverb: finally, eventually, then; 3. preposition: till (LS 305; CSOL I 502; CSOL II 419)