
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prsh - hoof, split hoof (DJPA 449)
Det. prsth
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pryšn - wonders (DJPA 447)
Is thought to be borrowed from Akkadian pirištu ‘secret’ (EDA I 304)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prṭ - specific statement, particular case (DJPA 446)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prt - excrement (DJPA 452)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pyrṭh - pomegranate seed (DJPA 433)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
przl - iron (DJPA 445)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ps - spade, shovel (DJPA 438)
May be borrowed from Akkadian, but note semantic difference.
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ps - spade, shovel (DJPA 438)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
psˁ - to step over (DJPA 441)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
psḥ - to leap over (DJPA 439)
May be related.