
parasrab - five-sixths (of a mina or other unit) (CAD P 164, AHw. 830)
Var. parab. A compound noun consisting of parsu ‘section’ and rabû ‘big’.
paraššannu - (a piece of armor) (CAD P 179, AHw. 832)
Due to its exclusive attestation in the Nuzi corpus, paraššannu is usually considered a Hurrian lexeme. Its ultimate meaning and origin are not known.
parasṣeḫru - one third (of a shekel) (CAD P 164, AHw. 1582)
A compound consisting of parsu ‘section’ and ṣeḫru ‘smalľ.
parastamu - (designation of an official or of a member of a social class) (CAD P 165, AHw. 830)
While the Iranian origin of parastamu is not in doubt, the exact etymon is not easy to establish.
paraštinnu - (a demon) (CAD P 179, AHw. 832)
Or baraštinnu. No etymology can be suggested, probably of foreign origin.
parāsu - to stop, cut off, to staunch; to decide; to apportion, to divide a number, a whole (CAD P 165, AHw. 830)
Derived words: parištu ‘post-menopausal woman’ (CAD P 187); parrasu ‘one half’ (CAD P 189); parsu ‘division, fraction’ (CAD P 193, AHw. 835, SAD I); pirištu ‘secret plot, secret matter’ (CAD P 398, AHw. 866); pirsātānītu ‘woman sharing the secret knowledge, female initiate’ (SAD I); pirsu ‘weaned boy’ (CAD P 412, AHw. 867); pirsu ‘division’ (CAD P 411, AHw. 855); pirsu ‘breach’ (CAD P 414, AHw. 855); purrusātu ‘animal pen’ (CAD P 522); purussu ‘plug, stopper’ (CAD P 529, AHw. 142); purussû ‘(legal) decision, resolution’ (CAD P 529, AHw. 882); purustu ‘division’ (SAD I); pitruštu ‘ambiguous omen or feature’ (CAD P 442, AHw. 870); pitrusu ‘ambiguous’ (CAD P 442, AHw. 870); tapristu ‘division, distribution’ (CAD T 193).
parāṣu - to break an oath, to transgress, violate a trust (CAD P 178, AHw. 832)
Alternatively, could be traced back to *prṣ ‘to break, to cut’ or *prṯ̣ ‘to separate vertebrae from one another’. Derived words: napraṣu (part of a spindle; a tool, perhaps a chisel) (CAD N₁ 313, AHw. 740); parrāṣāyu ‘lying, mendacious, criminal (?)’ (SAD I); parrāṣu ‘lier’ (CAD P 189, AHw. 834); parriṣu ‘false, mendacious, criminaľ (CAD P 191, AHw. 834); pirṣātu ‘lies, deceit, trickery’ (CAD P 413).
parāšu - to flatter, cajole (CAD P 180, AHw. 832)
Derived words: paršu ‘flattering’ (CAD P 205).

Cf. Arb. frš ‘to lie’, (IV) ‘to speak an evil of somebody in his absence’, (VIII) ‘to treat one’s honour as a thing which is allowable to attack, by speaking evil of him’.
parattitinnu - (an ornamental part of a tool) (CAD P 180, AHw. 832)
No etymology can be suggested, probably of foreign origin.
parāṭu - to clear away(?) (CAD P 180, AHw. 832, EDA I 344)
Derived words: muparriṭu ‘food server’ (CAD M₂ 209, AHw. 1576); pirṭu ‘disposal(?)’ (SAD I).
Insofar as the meaning “abreißen, -räumen” (AHw) suggested by von Soden is accepted, parāṭu is to be derived from PS *p-r-ṭ “to cut, to tear; to divide, to detach, to separate” (EDA I 344).