
ul - not (CAD U 65, AHw. 1406)

Earlier ulā (< *wa-lā) < PS *lā

ul ibašši - there is not (CAD B 147–49; AHw. 113)
ulālu - weakling (CAD U–W 69, AHw. 1407)
ullû - yonder, far away, over there; former, previous (CAD U 82, AHw. 1410)
This word is usually compared to the WS words with the meaning “these”, but it is hard to explain the functional difference (plural of the proximal deixis vs. form of the distal deixis common for all genders and numbers). In this respect the evidence of Tigre, where pronouns of both proximal and distal deixis are formed with the help of the element -l-, is of special interest: proximal deixis ˀәlli, ˀәllā, ˀәllom, ˀәllan, distant deixis lohay, lohā, lohom, lohan. See Kogan 2009:71.
ullu - collar; ring (an ornament) (CAD Ḫ 229, CAD U–W 81; AHw. 354, 1410)

Also attested as ḫullu. Due to Arb. and other Sem. cognates, can neither be separated into two lexemes, i.e. ḫullu and ullu, nor treated as a Sumerian loanword (Kogan 2001:281). 

ūlum - later, afterwards (CAD U 84; AHw. 1410)
umāmu - animals (AHw. 1412)
Var. emammu, emāmu.
umandu - part of human insides (AHw. 1412)
< *ḥum(a)m-t-­? (­-nd­- < ­-mt-­ is not uncommon for SB period [GAG 29]).
ummu - mother (CAD U/W 120, AHw. 1416)
umṣatu - a mole or wart (CAD U–W 135, AHw. 1418)
Compared by von Soden to Jud. ˁumḳā ‘dark (inflamed) spot, rising, swelling’ [Jastrow 1090]. This comparison implies a protoform *ˁ/γumṣ̂ which is less likely since the development PS *ṣ̂ > ḳ in Jud. and other late Arm. dialects is quite exceptional.