
ˁáṭaḷ - lack of work, procrastination, deprivation (CSOL II 419)
ˁáṭar - knife (LS 306; Bulakh et al. 2021:247)
ˁö́ṭaš or ˁö́ṭaʸh - to sneeze (LS 306; CSOL I 503)
ˁátwaʰ - a triangular wooden frame, empty in the middle, in which things can be preserved from goats and small children (CSOL II 418)
ˁéṭam - to be fat (CSOL I 502; CSOL II 419; Naumkin et al. 2016b:62-63; LS 332)
ˁö́ṭmoʰ - fat (CSOL II 419)
ˁeṭ - to swallow (LS 305; CSOL I 503; ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:553)
ˁad - to remain; a predicative element indicating the continuation of an action/state (CSOL II 419; CSOL I 503; LS 302; Naumkin et al. 2015a:62)

aḷ-ˁad kaḷ ‘only, nothing else except’: 

aḷ-ˁad kaḷ seʰ di-šɛˀɛbídoʰ ḥaʰ fáḥre tóˀo kɔn ‘There was nothing but she (the snake) in that place, which she occupied in its entirety’ (CSOL I 24:14)

(de) di-ˁad ‘the remaining one(s)’: 

ẓ̂ábi tegmáḥ ḥaʰ wa-ẓ̂ábi tegmáḥ be-ˀed wa-ẓ̂ábi tegmáḥ be-ŝɔb wa-ẓ̂ábi be-deʰ di-ˁad kaḷ ri ‘Let her catch me here, let her catch my hand, let her catch my foot, let her catch anything else except my head’ (CSOL I 18:30)


ˁod - to walk, to go (Naumkin et al. 2015a:62; CSOL II 420; CSOL I 504; LS 301)

ˁod ḷe-rího ‘to go to fetch water’:

hóhon óˁod ḷe-rího ‘I am going to fetch water’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:241)

ˁod be-rébneʰ ‘to follow advice’:

ˁod ˁouyέghɛn be-rébneʰ di-ˀíˀḥitš wa-ḷeteˁéʸhen fáḥre ‘The boy followed the advice of his sister, and he killed them alľ (CSOL II 30:25)

áˁyɛd - feast (CSOL II 421; LS 307)