
Official Aramaic
ḳdm - before, in the presence of; in the opinion of; incumbent upon (DNWSI 988)
Official Aramaic
ḳdš - shrine (DNWSI 994–5)
Official Aramaic
ḳmṣ - grasshopper (DNWSI 1013)
Official Aramaic
ḳn - small cattle, sheep (DNWSI 954)
Official Aramaic
kyp - stone (DNWSI 529)
Official Aramaic
- not (DNWSI 558)
Official Aramaic
lbˀ - lion (DNWSI 562)
Official Aramaic
lbš - to clothe oneself, to wear (DNWSI 565)
Official Aramaic
lḳḥ - to take (DNWSI 581)
Official Aramaic
lšn - tongue, word (DNWSI 584)