
Official Aramaic
plg - canal (DNWSI 913)
Official Aramaic
plg - to divide (DNWSI 911)
Official Aramaic
plḥ - to serve; to serve a god (DNWSI 914)
Official Aramaic
pm - mouth (DNWSI 916)
m-extension on PS *pay-, a hallmark of the Aramaic subgroup; cf. also Syr., Tur., Mal. etc. Warka pu-um-mi-e
Official Aramaic
pnh - face (DNWSI 918)
Official Aramaic
prˁ - to pay (DNWSI 942)
Official Aramaic
prk - to break, to damage (DNWSI 938)
Official Aramaic
prš - to separate; to explain (DNWSI 944)
According to Zimmern 1920, 434, the widespread meaning “to understand; to give a clear decision, to explain” for *p-r-š in Aramaic (and Hebrew) may be due to the influence of Akk. parāsu
Official Aramaic
prs - portion (as payment, salary) (DNWSI 941)
Official Aramaic
prš - horseman, cavalry-man (DNWSI 945)