
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁṭš - to sneeze (DJPA 402)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁwb - breast (DJPA 397)
det. ˁubbā
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁwlym - young man (DJPA 399)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁwz - bird of prey (DJPA 398)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁyḳr - root; main part (DJPA 405)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁayn - eye (DJPA 403)
det. ˁaynā
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁyṣy - backbone (DJPA 405)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁz - goat (DJPA 401)
det. ˁyzh, pl. ˁäzzīn, ˁyzyn Cf. also br ˁzyn ‘kid of she-goat’ (ibid. 101), brt ˁyzyn ‘she-goat’ (ibid. 112).
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁuzzā - name of bird of prey, prob. sea-eagle (Jastrow 1049, DJPA 398a)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bˀr - (pa.) to explain, to interpret (DJPA 83)