
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
kap - palm, hand (Jastrow 657, DJPA 266)
det. kappā
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
kyph - dome, vaulted chamber, soft round object (DJPA 256)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
kpp - to bend (DJPA 267)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
krˁ - leg (of human) (DJPA 270)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
krs - stomach (DJPA 270)
det. krsh, krysh
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrṣwl - ankle, bending leg (DJPA (1990) 506)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
kspˀ - silver, money (DJPA 265)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ksy - to cover, clothe, conceal (DJPA 265)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
kslyn - loins (DJPA 265)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ktp - shoulder (DJPA 272)
det. kytph