
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrḥ - to make bald (DJPA 504)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrḥh, det. ḳrḥth - baldness (DJPA 504)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrḳˁ - land (DJPA 507)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrn - horn (DJPA 506)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrr - to make cold, to cool down (DJPA 507)
Pol. ‘to cool down’, Itpol. ‘to cool oneself off’. Itpa. ‘id., to refresh oneself’
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳryḥh - baldness (DJPA 504)
det. ḳryḥth
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳīs - wood, timber (DJPA 491)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳṭl - to kill, to murder (DJPA 486)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳwdḳd - head, skull (DJPA 478)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḳwdm - before (DJPA 478)