
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ngḥ - to gore (DJPA 340)
only in JBA and JPA, probably, due to Hebrew influence
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nhḳ - (pa.) to bray (DJPA 343)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nḥyr - nostril (DJPA 346)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nḥt - to go down, descend, fall (DJPA 346)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nḳy - to be clean (DJPA 360)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nmr - leopard (DJPA 352)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nūn - fish (DJPA 344)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
npḳ - to go out, pass, be issued, leave, come forth, (DJPA 356)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
npy - to fan, winnow, sift (DJPA 355)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nūr - fire (DJPA 345)