
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ynḳ - to suck (DJPA 242)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
yrḥ - new moon; month (DJPA 245)
det. yarḥā
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
yrḳ - to spit (DJPA 246)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
yrk - haunch, thigh (DJPA 245)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
yrḳ, yryḳ - green, yellow (DJPA 245)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ysp - (aph.) to add, to increase (DJPA 243)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ywbl - ram (DJPA 237)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
yawnā - dove (DJPA 237)
br ywwn ‘turtledove’ (DJPA 99)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
zny - to be a prostitute (DJPA 179)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
zrt - span (DJPA 183)