
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
ksy - (pa.) to cover (DCPA 96)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
ḳdš - (pa.) to purify, to sanctify (DCPA 175)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrnˀ (det.) - horn (DCPA 384)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
ḳrr - to refresh o.s.; to refresh s.o., to provide relief (DCPA 384)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
- no, negative particle (DCPA 190)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
lb, lyb - heart (DCPA 191)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
lbwnh, lybwnh - frankincense (DCPA 193)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
lyšn - tongue, language, speech (DCPA 200)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
mgdl - tower (DCPA 208)

The root of the word may be related, with metathesis, to Akk. dagālu 'look' and the lexemes listed under the entry.

Christian Palestinian Aramaic
mlˀ, mly - full (DCPA 225)