
Old Aramaic
brd - hail (DNWSI 196)
Old Aramaic
by - house (DNWSI 156‒157)
loss of -t in st. abs.
Old Aramaic
byr - well (DNWSI 155)
Old Aramaic
dbhh - bear (DNWSI 238)
Old Aramaic
dgn - grain (Porten–Yardeni 1993)
hapax legomenon in Aḥiqar
Old Aramaic
gbr - man (DNWSI 210)
Old Aramaic
gdh - goat (DNWSI 213)
Old Aramaic
gmr - to come to an end; to destroy (HALOT 1845; DNWSI 226)
Old Aramaic
gw - interior (DNWSI 215)
Old Aramaic
hml - noise (KAI 222A: 29)
unreliable and eventually rejected in DNWSI 287 (contrast Fitzmyer 1995:87)