
Old Aramaic
skr - to stop up (DNWSI 786)
aph. ‘to deliver, hand over’
Old Aramaic
slḳ - to go up (DNWSI 788)
Old Aramaic
ss - moth (DNWSI 795)
Old Aramaic
ssyh - horse (DNWSI 795)
HapLeg in KAI 222A 22: šbˁ ssyh yhynḳn ˁl wˁl yš[bˁ] ‘seven mares will suckle a foal and he will not be sated’ (v. Fitzmyer 1995 80).
Old Aramaic
šˀt, sˀwn - ewe (DNSWI 1094)
Old Aramaic
šˁl - fox, jackal (DNWSI 1179)
Old Aramaic
šbˁ - to be sated (DNWSI 1101)
Old Aramaic
šbr - to break (DNWSI 1105)
Old Aramaic
šhd - to give testimony (DNWSI 1112)
Old Aramaic
h-škl-h - to leave childless (DNWSI 1133)
very uncertain