
Old Aramaic
šm - there (DNWSI 1159)
Old Aramaic
špr - beautiful (DNWSI 1184)
Old Aramaic
špt - lip (DNWSI 1181)
Old Aramaic
šrn - wild cat (DNWSI 1193)
Old Aramaic
šry - release (DNWSI 1192)
Old Aramaic
štḳ - to be silent (DNWSI 1200)
Old Aramaic
šwrh - cow (DNWSI 1118)
Old Aramaic
šym - to place, to put, to set up (DNWSI 1226)
Old Aramaic
ṣby - gazelle (DNWSI 958)
Old Aramaic
tḥt - under; in the place of, instead of, in exchange for (DNWSI 1209)