
Official Aramaic
bz - breast (DNWSI 149)
Official Aramaic
bzˁ - to tear, to rend, to cleave (DNWSI 149)
Official Aramaic
bˁh - to search, to want (DNWSI 180)
Official Aramaic
dˀb, dyb - wolf (DNWSI 237)
Official Aramaic
db, dwb - bear (DNWSI 237)
Official Aramaic
dbḳ - to cling, to leave, to be contiguous (DNWSI 238)
Official Aramaic
dbr - word, matter (DNWSI 239; HALOT 1848)
only in the fixed expression ˁl dbr ‘concerning, with regard to’, “from Canaanite formal language, as used in bureocracy” (HALOT 1848)
Official Aramaic
dgl - military term denoting a subdivision of a military colony (DNWSI 241)

Perhaps  < 'standard, banner'. Cf. Hbr. dägäl 'banner, standard' and, further, Akk. dagālu 'look' and the lexemes listed under the entry.

Official Aramaic
dḥnˀ - millet (DNWSI 244)
Official Aramaic
dkr - to remember (DNWSI 321)

Var. zkr