
Official Aramaic
šbˁ - to be sated (DNWSI 1101)
Official Aramaic
škḥ - to find, meet (DNWSI 1132)
Official Aramaic
šmn - oil (DNWSI 1163)
Official Aramaic
hšpl - to humiliate (DNWSI 1183)
Official Aramaic
špt - lip (DNWSI 1181)
Official Aramaic
šṭr - document (DNWSI 1124)

The word has no verbal exponent. Usually considered to be an Akkadian loanword. 

Official Aramaic
šym - to place, to put, to set up (DNWSI 1226)
Official Aramaic
ṣdḳ - to be just (DNSWSI 961)
Official Aramaic
ṣpn - to hide, to conceal (DNWSI 972)
likely a Hebraism
Official Aramaic
šá-am-lat - outer garment, cloak (DNWSI 1162)
Several examples in the Uruk incantation seem to be the only attestations of this root in Aramaic.