
Official Aramaic
ṣbˁ - certain measure of length, finger (DNWSI 958)
Official Aramaic
šḳ - thigh (DNWSI 1186)
highly uncertain
Official Aramaic
ṣnpr - bird; special bird, sparrow (DNWSI 973)
Official Aramaic
ṣwr - neck (DNWSI 965)
Official Aramaic
tˀlh - fox (DNWSI 1179)
Also tˀrh.
Official Aramaic
tˀtˀ - sheep, ewe (DNWSI 1094)
Official Aramaic
tbr - to break (DNWSI 1105)
Official Aramaic
tḥ(w)m - border, boundary; territory (DNWSI 1208)

May be an Akkadism, see the discussion under Akk. taḫūmu 'border, territory'.

Official Aramaic
tḥt - under; in the place of, instead of, in exchange for (DNWSI 1209)
Official Aramaic
tḥt - under; in the place of, instead of, in exchange for (DNWSI 1209)