
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
hwk - to go (DJPA 165b)
Forms thk, mhk in JPA epigraphy
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
hwy - to be, to exist, to happen (DJPA 160)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḥubbā - lap, bosom (Jastrow 429, DJPA 189a)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḥäbrī - wound (DJPA 186)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḥad - one, someone, certain (DJPA 187)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
himṣā, ḥimṣā - the fat around the large stomach of ruminants (Jastrow 347)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḥk - palate (DJPA 200)
det. ḥykh ‘palate’
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḥikkā - palate (Jastrow 455)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḥlb - fat (DJPA 201)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ḥēläb - a viscous substance, glair (Jastrow 464)