
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
päm - mouth, opening (DJPA 437)
det. pymˀ
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pnḳ - to spoil, to indulge (DJPA 438)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pny - to turn (DJPA 438)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prˁ - to disarrange, tear off (DJPA 449)
In contexts dealing with hair.
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prˁ - to take retribution, to revenge, to punish (DJPA 449)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prd - to spread apart, to fade, to crack (DJBA 927)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prgy - young bird (DJPA 443)
Det. prgyth; pryg ‘young bird’ (DJPA 446)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prḥ - blossom, flower (DJPA 445)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀprḥ - young bird (DJPA 71)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prh - cow (DJPA 444)
det. prth. The meaning is atypical for Aramaic and points to a Hebraism