
-nnäm/-äm - them (accusative pronominal suffix, 3 masc. sg.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:102)
-nnäm(ʷ) is the “light” form used with verbal forms of the suffix conjugation, -äm(ʷ) is the “heavy” form. The “light” form used with verbal forms the prefix conjugation is -äm(ʷ), with the final consonant of the base doubled. The “heavy” suffixes are used with 2 fem. sg, all the plural and impersonal verbal forms, the “light” suffixes are used in all the other cases (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:105).
-nnäma/-äma/-ämʷa - them (accusative pronominal suffix, 3 fem. pl.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:102)
-nnäma is the “light” form used with verbal forms of the suffix conjugation, -äm(ʷ)a is the “heavy” form. The “light” form used with verbal forms the prefix conjugation is -ämʷa, with the final consonant of the base doubled. The “heavy” suffixes are used with 2 fem. sg, all the plural and impersonal verbal forms, the “light” suffixes are used in all the other cases (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:105).
nässa - to rouse, to wake up (EDG 461)
tänässa - to wake up, to rise, to get up (EDG 461)
-nnəš/-š/-kk' - you (accusative pronominal suffix, 2 fem. sg.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:102)
-nnəš is the “light” form used with verbal forms of the suffix conjugation, -š is the “light” form used with verbal forms of the prefix conjugation, -kk’ is the “heavy” form. The “heavy” suffixes are used with 2 fem. sg, all the plural and impersonal verbal forms, the “light” suffixes are used in all the other cases (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:105).
nəṭu - clean, tidy, orderly, neat (EDG 463)
näṭṭa - to be white (EDG 462)
at-niṭṭäsä- - to sneeze (EDG 109)
-ňňa - our (genitive pronominal suffix, 1 pl.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:101)
räggäṭä, äräggäṭä - to stamp, to trample (EDG 523)