Renfroe (1992:22‒24) connects to ˁwn - to help, but the derivation is uncertain due to serious morphological difficulties (Kogan 2015: 323). See DUL 166 for a discussion of alternative etymological interpretations.
ˁny - to be depressed, humbled; D - to humiliate
(DUL 172)
ˁpr - to supply, to provide
(DUL 174, Watson 2007: 80)
occurs in a difficult, largely obscure context (2.71:12, v. Pardee 2002a: 111 for a survey of interpretation possibilities). Any connection with Akk. epēru ‘to provide’ (CAD E 190) is highly doubtful, particularly since the latter is usually thought to be related to Ugr. ḥpr ‘ration’ (for which see above in this chapter, p. 334) (Kogan 2015: 360).