waga - cost, price
(Leslau 1997:225, AAD 364)
Arg. of Ṭollaha ḥagg, hagg
wähaṭa - to gulp down, to devour, to swallow
(Leslau 1997: 225, AAD 364)
Arg. of Ṭollaha wähaṭ, wäḥaṭ (Leslau 1997:225, AAD 364)
walta - a round, flat wooden plaque of sycamore, zəgba or wanza wood which is placed at the top of the central pillar and against the underside of the roof in a traditional round Ethiopian house
(AAD 362)
Arg. of Ṭollaha ərrad, wärräd (Leslau 1997:225, AAD 345)
Arg. of Ṭollaha wäṭṭ, əṭṭ (Leslau 1997:226, AAD 359)