dirˁ- - a coat of mail; a garment, or piece of cloth, in the middle of which a woman cuts an opening for the head to be put through, and to which she puts arms, and the two openings of which she sews up; a woman's garment which is worn above the qamīṣ-
(Lane 871)
ḏ̣arib- - a stone projecting from a mountain or from rugged ground; a small mountain or hill
(Lane 1909)
daran- - tumeurs dures sur le corps, qui proviennent ordinairement de l'atrabile, comme dans la lèpre (applied to a camel means mangy, or scabby)
(Dozy I 437, Lane 875)
madrasat- - a place of reading, or study
(Lane 871)
darṣ-, dirṣ- - foetus (de chat, de lièvre, de hérisson, de gerboise) (fetus (cat, hare, hedgehog, jerkin)
(BK 1 689)
drṣ - narrow, impossible to broaden
(al-Iryani 396)