
ímši(n) or imšíne - yesterday (CSOL I 474 ; CSOL II 390 ; Naumkin et al. 2015a:57 ; LS 65 )
ímte - a tree (Euphorbia arbuscula) (LS 65; CSOL I 474; CSOL II 390; Miller–Morris 2004:540)
émtoḷ - to be used to do something, to have an experience (CSOL II 543; Bulakh 2024:202; LS 253)

‘To have an experience of something (jussive)’:

énkaˁ hin ṭad ˁag tɛ di-ḥómes wa-ˀeftógen ifúḷ šóugɛ ˁömóren ifúḷ yenúfaˁ de tɛ ber ḥan aḷ-ˀemtóḷen neḳdέrš ‘A certain man brought us turtle meat, and we were wondering what to do with it. We said to him: “How should this meat be prepared? We have never had the chance to cook it”’ (CSOL II 26:12)

emtérek - soot (CSOL I 474)

n. (m)

έn(eʰ) - yes!, here I am! (CSOL I 474)
έnnɛʰ - elder sister (CSOL II 390; Naumkin et al. 2015a:57 ; LS 66)
íno - there is, there was (LS 67; CSOL I 474 ; CSOL II 390 )

Indeclinable; can be used to denote situation in the present; in the past; with no clear temporal reference; used with ke- to introduce the possessor; used with be- to introduce the carrier of inalienable features (body parts etc.); íno di- as an equivalent of an indefinite pronoun.

énbe - to call, to give a name (LS 255; CSOL I 618; CSOL II 546; Naumkin et al. 2015a:80)

pass. enbö́we or ínbi (yenóubɛ/ľinbó)

enberέˀiŝ - Q NII. to get in motion (LS 94, CSOL I 519)
énfer - to untie (LS 271, CSOL I 620, CSOL II 548)