
pāšidu - (mng. uncert.) (CAD P 252)
Or pašīdu. No etymology can be suggested.
pašīšu - (a piece of jewellery?) (SAD I)
Or paššišu. No etymology can be suggested.
pašīšu - (a priest) (CAD P 253, AHw. 845)
Cf. pašīšūtu ‘activity of a pašīšu’ (CAD P 255, AHw. 845).
The relationship between Akk. pašīšu and Sum. PA₄.ŠEŠ (a priest) is unclear. The Akk. word is often thought to be derived from pašāšu ‘to anoint’ (lit. ‘anointed’) and regarded as the source of Sum. PA₄.ŠEŠ (see Sommerfeld 2006:57 for references). However, the direction of borrowing may, in fact, be the other way round (Krispijn 2004, Sommerfeld 2006:57, with earlier literature). In this case, the Sumerian lexeme is to be understood as consisting of PA₄ ‘elder’ and ŠEŠ ‘brother’.
pašku - (a bird) (CAD P 257, AHw. 845)
No etymology can be suggested.
pašku - (a wooden object) (CAD P 257, AHw. 845)
No etymology can be suggested.
pašḳu - cornice (CAD P 258, AHw. 839)
Or pasḳu. No etymology can be suggested.
pašru - (an animal?) (CAD P 259, AHw. 845)
No definitive etymology can be suggested.
paššiššu - (a profession) (CAD P 259, AHw. 845)
From Hurrian f/pašš-i-šše (BGH 304).
paššurmāḫu - high table (CAD P 259, AHw. 845)
Or paššurmaḫḫu. From Sum. BANŠUR.MAḪ ‘large table’. Probably a late “learned” borrowing.
paššūru - table (CAD P 259, AHw. 845, EDA I 454)
Commonly taken to be a loanword from Sum. BANŠUR (b/pansur) ‘table, tray’ (PSD B 87), but this etymology presents some difficulties (see EDA I for the details).