
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prḳ - to remove, to take off; to redeem (DJPA 450)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prk - to break; (pa.) to remove husks by rubbing (DJPA 447)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pārūkā - curtain (DJPA 445)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prpḥyn - purslane (DJPA 450)
The exact origin of the Aramaic forms cannot be ascertained. The underlying prototype *parpaḫīn- is not compatible with Sumerian {babbar.ḫi} and early Akkadian papparḫû ‘purslane’, but comes very close to the later Akkadian forms (EDA I 392).
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prpr - to be in the agony of death (DJPA 450)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prš - to leave, to depart (DJPA 451)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prš - to state explicitly, to explain (DJPA 451)
According to Zimmern 1920, 434, the widespread meaning “to understand; to give a clear decision, to explain” for *p-r-š in Aramaic (and Hebrew) may be due to the influence of Akk. parāsu.
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prs - to spread out (DJPA 449)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prās - curtain, covering (DJPA 448)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
prš - rider (DJPA 451)