
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pyryyh - fruit (DJPA 446)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pys - (pa.) to make peace (DJPA 430)
Is borrowed from Greek πεῖσις (EDA I 107).
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
rˀm - wild ox (DJPA 510)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
rˁy - excrement (DJPA 527)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
rab - great, large (DJPA 511)
pl. rabrəbīn
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
räḥlā - ewe (DJPA 520)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
rbˁ - to lie down, collapse (DJPA 514)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
rḥm - friend (DJPA 521)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
rḥm - to like, love, have mercy (DJPA 521)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
rḳḳ - to spit (DJPA 530)