
pingu - (a bird) (CAD P 383, AHw. 864)
Or pinku, bingu, binku. No etymology can be suggested.
pingu - knob, cap, finial (CAD P 382, AHw. 864)
Var. pinku. No etymology can be suggested.
pinkarannu - (qualifying horses) (CAD P 383, AHw. 864)
Var. pinkarami. Probably a Hurrian word of an ultimate Indo-European (Mitanni-Aryan) origin. Cf. Old Indic piṅgalá- “reddish brown/yellow; greenish yellow” (EWAia II 126), see von Soden 1957:337.
pinnaru - (a cheese) (CAD P 384, AHw. 864, EDA I 372)
Or pinnāru. Fem. pinnartu (pinirtu, punirtu) (CAD P 383, AHw. 864). Var. pinnanāru (CAD P 383, AHw. 864, EDA I 372).
A striking phonetic and semantic similarity to the Iranian terms for “cheese” (MPers. and NPers. panīr) has long been noticed. Since the Akkadian term is attested as early as OB, it cannot be an Iranian loanword, while the opposite is not impossible. Alternatively, both the Akkadian and Iranian words could be borrowed from a third, hitherto unknown source.
pinnatu - (part of the tail) (SAD I)
No etymology can be suggested.
pinnu - (a bead or ornament) (CAD P 384, AHw. 864)
No etymology can be suggested.
Pīnu - (a textile) (SAD 1 33)
No etymology can be suggested.
pinzir - (a plant) (CAD P 452, AHw 871, 1423, 1583)
Or pinṣir, pizzir.
Probably from Sum. penzer (a plant?). The Sum. word is reliably attested only in lexical sources, written syllabically: see CAD P 452 for the references. It has no internal etymology within Sumerian, but a relationship with MUNZER ‘licorice’ (Civil 1987a:45f.), occurring alongside penzer in lexical lists, is not to be ruled out.
pipilû - sin (CAD P 384, AHw. 864)
Or pippilû. No definitive etymology can be suggested.
pirassu - (a vessel) (CAD P 394, AHw. 865)
No etymology can be suggested.