ḷe-ˁam ‘if’:
kése díˀʸheʰ fáˀḥɛr ˁad be-ˁed yešaẓ̂íˁenš ḷe-ˁam ʸheʰ ˁad ḥaľáľ ‘He found that his bull had some life in it yet: he could even have slaughtered it, had it been suitable for food’ (CSOL I 8:55)
di-ˁam ‘when, after’:
ˁaf šeḳábitk diyáˁ di-ˁam sfork ‘You really did pick up some bad habits during your trip!’ (CSOL I 6:38)
di-ˁam sémek ‘since then’:
wa-sákata di-ʕam sémek šérhom ‘And from then on, the trees became silent’ (CSOL II 21:6)
ˁö́mor édbehor ‘to take honey out of a hole in a tree (lit. to work bees)’:
ṭáhɛrk ˁámok édbehor wa-ˁéyyek ḷehέ éˀed di-néḳheľ ‘Once I went to collect wild honey and I wanted to put my hand into the beehive’ (CSOL I 2:51).
ˁö́mor ŝáˀbi ḥóyhe di-gέmeʰ ‘to start walking (lit. to put one’s feet upon the ground downwards)’:
báˁad ḥaʰ ˁámok ŝáˀbi ḥóʸhe di-gέmeʰ wa-kánaḥk ˁógiľ ḥe ˁag wa-ˁážeʰ wa-díˀʸhen ˁougénoʰ ‘Then I put my feet to the ground and began walking down. And there again I met a man, his wife and their daughter’ (CSOL II 12:9).
ˁö́mor šámmaʰ ‘to take snuff (šámmaʰ) (lit. to do šámmaʰ)’:
érbodk díˀʸho ˁouyέghɛn tóˀo yenáḥag wa-yóˁod ke-ˀembóryeʰ iľyáˁ di-yeḫázzanu wáľľa yeˁómer šámmaʰ ‘I chastized my son for running with a bad crowd and horsing around with them, those who chew qat or take snuff’ (CSOL II 6:20).
ya ˁan ‘what a …!’:
tóˀo ḳeˁö́we ḷe-ṣandúḳ íḳdɛm ṭad men ˁeyyúg be-ḳáneʰ ˁímɛr ya ˁan ḳáṣṣaʰ ‘And when the chest was opened, the people saw one of the men inside. Everybody said: “What a trick!”’ (CSOL I 26:91).
ˁan tóˀo ‘when, after, later’:
ˁö́mor ˁan tóˀo gédaḥk di-maˁábaẓ̂ ˁö́mor tóˀo gédaḥk di-maˁábaẓ̂ wagáb ḥe ṣaľát aľ-ˁásar ‘He said: “When I came to Maʿabaz, it was time for the afternoon prayer”’ (CSOL II 23:28).
ˁan náˁaʰ ‘from now on’:
ya aḷḷáʰ ya aḷḷáʰ ľázem ṭaʰ ˁan náˁaʰ ho ekténaḥ fóḳri dέhɛr bíŝi še mɛľ éken fóḳri ‘Oh my God! Oh my God! Must it be like this? Shall I become a poor man again, with no money at all?’ (CSOL I 25:47).
ho aḷ-ˁan ḥaʰ ‘I am not on that leveľ:
ho ˁímɛr énhi zóˁom be-ˁamḳ di-ˁeyyúg mesˀuľín wa-ho aḷ-mesˀúľ wa-ˀaḷ-ˁan-ḥaʰ wa-ˀézˁomk méʸhen be-ˁamḳ wa-ˀeḳˁírork ‘I was told: “Sit with the officials,” but I’m no official, not part of that. I sat with them, all the same, but I felt very uncomfortable’ (CSOL II 5:6).