
Old Aramaic
pm - mouth (DNWSI 916)
m-extension on PS *pay-, a hallmark of the Aramaic subgroup; cf. also Syr., Tur., Mal. etc.
Old Aramaic
pny - to return (DNWSI 920, Fitzmyer 1995, 149)
Old Aramaic
prḳ - to cut off (DNWSI 943)
Old Aramaic
prš - horseman, cavalry-man (DNWSI 945)
HapLeg in KAI 202B 2 (lrkb [w]lprš, context fragmentary)
Old Aramaic
ptḥ - to open (DNWSI 948)
Old Aramaic
rˀš - head (DNWSI 1042)
Old Aramaic
rbrb - big, large (DNWSI 1058)
Pl. rbrb-n
Old Aramaic
rḥm - friend (DNWSI 1069)
Old Aramaic
ršy - to have authority, to have a right to (DNWSI 1086)
Old Aramaic
skr - to stop up (DNWSI 786)
aph. ‘to deliver, hand over’