
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
psl - to cut stone (DJPA 440)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
psl - to make unfit (DJPA 440)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
psˀ - tax (DJPA 334)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pšk - handbreadth (DJPA 453)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pšr - to interpret a dream; to settle an account, to pay; to tear loose; (itpe.) to come apart (DJPA 454)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pšryn - lukewarm water (DJPA 454)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pšṭ - to stretch; to strip flesh (DJPA 453)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pṣˁ - to split (DJPA 442)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ptḥ - to open (DJPA 454)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ptylh - wick (DJPA 455)