
parīsu - picket, plank (CAD P 186, AHw. 833)
Var. parissu, parrisu. No etymology can be suggested. A derivation from parāsu ‘to cut’ cannot be ruled out, but it is hard to demonstrate conclusively.
parku - (a feature in a field) (CAD P 188, AHw. 845)
Var. pašku. With Jursa (1995:125), likely a form of the (substantivized) adjective parku, from parāku ‘to lie across, to obstruct’ (for the shift -rk- > -šk- see GAG §35c).
parkullu - seal-cutter (CAD P 519, AHw 834)
Probably from Sum. {bur.gul} “stonecutter, engraver” (PSD B 187). Judging from the correspondences Sum. b ~ Akk. p and Sum. g ~ Akk. k, Akk. parkullu must be an early loanword (before III).
parputtu - (an object representing ownership) (CAD P 188, AHw. 834)
Or parbuttu, parkuttu. Probably of Elamite origin, but the etymon is obscure.
parrišḫu - (mng. unkn.) (CAD P 191, AHw. 833)
Var. parrušḫu. No definitive etymology can be suggested. The characteristic ending -šḫu points to the Hurrian origin.
parrisu - (a canine or feline) (CAD P 191, AHw. 834)
Derived from parāsu ‘to cut off’?
parrisu - punting pole, oar (CAD P 190, AHw. 833)
Derived words: parrisānu ‘rower, oarsman’ (CAD P 190, AHw. 834).
No etymology can be suggested.
parru - young of small cattle; (male) lamb (CAD P 192, AHw. 834, SAD I 70)
Fem. parratu.
parsikallu - big (head)band(?) (SAD I)
From Sum. BAR.SI(G).GAL ‘large sash’.
parsiktu - (a measure of capacity, mostly used for grain) (CAD P 192, AHw. 835)
Clearly related to Sum. ba-ri₂-ga ‘a measuring container; a capacity measure’ (PSD B 20), but the details are obscure.